Customer Errors

Customer Errors

error codemessagehttp statusdescription
customer_request_validationPayload can not be read400Payload has a wrong structure, for example missing property.
customer_request_validationPayload is invalid400Payload had a right structure, but a wrong values, for example provided location doesn't exists or fiscal code is invalid.
customer_lockedCustomer is locked403The customer is locked on ShareNow side and cannot perform any rental.

This error may occur during creation and upgrade.
customer_not_foundCustomer is not found404A customer with the provided externalIdentifier doesn't exists on ShareNow side.

This error may occur during customer upgrade.
customer_already_existsCustomer already exists409A customer with the provided externalIdentifier already exists.
customer_internal_server_errorInternal server error500Internal error on ShareNOW side.